Protecting the Home's Interior
Place identifying numbers on your valuables in the event that you are victimized by a burglar or theft.
These specific markings will serve to identify your property should the police locate it and to deter criminals from the onset.
More often than not, criminals will look to sell the property that they net as a result of a burglary or theft and when potential buyers notice your individual markings they may be less apt to buy the items. Pawn shops require identification from anyone wanting to pawn items and they will also list these markings if the perpetrator tries to pawn these items creating a link back to the potential suspect.
Using an inexpensive electric etching pencil or engraver, you can engrave your personal property with your driver's license number such as "IN-1111-22-3333". Inscribe the number on one or two places on items such laptop computers, television sets, stereo equipment, DVD players, guns, tools, etc. These numbers can be placed on the base or rear portion of the item without marring the appearance of the item.
Small items, such as jewelry which cannot be marked, should be photographed or videotaped. Extremely valuable jewelry should be appraised, as well, by a reputable appraiser. Place a description and listing of the time on the back of the photograph.
Once you have marked your property, put a record of the inventory in your safe or a safety deposit box. Also, save receipts from your more valuable items and keep them with the inventory list. If you have a burglary, fire or storm or any other kind of loss - this will help you to establish proof of ownership and value for filing an insurance claim.
Be sure to update your inventory at least annually.
Contact Us
- Phone: (812) 876-2270
- Fax:
(812) 876-8332 - Staff Directory
- Hours: M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.